
It is very important for researchers working in the field to have a good grasp of species groups such as birds, bats and plants. In this context, not only biology graduates, but also experienced naturalists as amateurs take part in ecological research. Naturalists are expected to take active part on online biodiversity platforms, submit observation records and photographs, to reflect their skills and expertise.

We seek for best naturalist in our projects. The job appointments is determined by the needs of projects. We do not compromise on safe driving.

In long-term ongoing research, we expect the companies to employ full-time surveyors. In particular, the General Directorate of Nature Conservation National Parks often recommends employing experts in wind farm projects. In this case, we support companies in selecting observations that can be productive in the field and coordinating their work.

We try to prevent discrimination in recruitment and try to establish balanced teams. We ensure that the team works efficiently, healthily and harmoniously, and we support our teammates in their academic and personal development.

We have a pool of experts to use when needed. If you are a field expert working as a freelance, or if you want to take part in long-term follow-up studies, you can send your CV to be used in case of need. Features we are looking for:

  • A high school or university degree
  • Owing binoculars and a camera
  • Having an active account on naturalist platforms, such as eBird, Trakuş, Trakel, Dogalhayat, iNaturalist, or a social media account, such as Facebook or Instagram, documenting naturalist activities
  • Having equipment and gear suitable for outdoor activities.
  • Medium or long-term experience of working in nature with a group or team (university or NGO camps, working in nature research centers such as ringing, camping, trekking, hiking experience).
Open Positions
Job and Internship Application
Makina Mühendisi

Sizler de bu güçlü ekibin bir parçası olmak ve gelişmiş teknoloji alt yapımız ile inovaktif ürünler geliştirmek istiyorsanız ekinimizin bir parçası olabilirsiniz.

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CNC Operatörü

Sizler de bu güçlü ekibin bir parçası olmak ve gelişmiş teknoloji alt yapımız ile inovaktif ürünler geliştirmek istiyorsanız ekinimizin bir parçası olabilirsiniz.

  • Kodlama Dillerinin en az 3üne hakim (HTML – CSS – JS)
  • Tercihen madencilik sektöründe deneyimli
  • MS Office ve ERP programlarını etkin kullanmış
  • MS Office ve ERP programlarını etkin kullanmış
  • MS Office ve ERP programlarını etkin kullanmış

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